- MRPL Clarification to the Public at Large
- Chemical Disaster Management Workshop
- Financial Results of Q2 2022-2023
- MRPL wins Eight PRCI National Excellence Awards
- MRPL wins prize in MoPNG Swachhta Pakhwada
- MRPL Financial Result Q1 2022-2023
- MRPL HiQ Retail Outlet Dealers Meet
- Press release Constituiton day celebration at MRPL
- Press release secondary workforce
- Press release_ MoU Signed between MRPL & Indian Oil Adani Gas Private Limited
- Fraudsters using MRPL name with malcicious intent
- Press Release 500th vessel at SPM
- MRPL Vendors’ Meet 2021 as a part of Vigilance Awareness Week
- Vigilance awareness week 2021- 2022
- Kannada Songs sung by MRPL Employees
- Press Release - ONGC Chairman Visits MRPL
- MRPL supports District and State to meet Oxygen Demand
- Wildlife and MRPL.
- MRPL team Visits Karnataka CM
- MRPL Press release Opal Naptha
- Hindi Diwas Celebration at MRPL
- Agreement with PEPFuels
- MRPL's 25th Hi-Q Retail Outlets Journey (26-08-2021)
- Fraudulent Scams in the name of Refinery employment (18.08.2021)
- MRPL Among top four Contributors – Zoo Authority of India Investor Meet-2021 (29-06-2021)
- Tug alliance Removal (12.6.2021)