
Crude and Vacuum Distillation Units:


MRPL has three Atmospheric, Vacuum Distillation Units including Naphtha Splitter Unit designed by M/s Engineers India Ltd, the units are heat integrated, using Pinch Technology to achieve high-energy efficiency, thereby reducing Fuel Oil consumption and in turn reducing air emissions.

Hydrocracker Units:


There are two Hydrocracker Units in MRPL that produce high quality Sulphur free Diesel and ATF. The Plants are designed for 100 percent conversion of low value Vacuum Gas Oils to lighter, low Sulphur valuable products.

Visbreakers Units:


Shell Soaker Visbreaker technology under the Licence of ABB Lummus, Holland, has been adopted to upgrade heavy vacuum residue to Gas, Naphtha, Gasoil and Vacuum Gas Oil. This is the first Unit in India to have Vacuum Flash column producing Vacuum Gas Oil, that is used for supplementing the feed stock to Hydrocracker Unit and extracting maximum value from short residue.

Platforming Units (CCR):


MRPL has two Continuous Catalytic Regeneration Platforming Unit (CCR), The process technology is supplied by UOP, USA. This state-of-the-Art Unit, produces Lead free, high Octane Motor Spirit (Petrol). Hydrogen produced as a by-product is used in Refinery hydro treating Units. The other by-product is LPG.

MEROX (LPG & Kerosene/ATF):


LPG Merox Unit reduces the Sulphur content in LPG by converting mercaptans into disulphide oil that is removed in the caustic regeneration section. The Kero Merox Unit converts mercaptans into disulphides, which is a sweet¬ening process. Technology for both units is by UOP, USA.

Hydrogen Generation Units:


MRPL has three Hydrogen units. The units, produces Hydrogen by Steam Reforming of Naphtha. Hydrogen purity of 99.9 percent is achieved through the UOP Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA). The total Hydrogen generation capacity is 51.14 NM3/hr (two units) technology supplied by KTI Holland, and one unit of 97.29 NM3/hr, technology supplied by Haldor Topse Denmark.

Bitumen Blowing Unit:


This Unit employs the highly efficient Biturox process supplied by M/s Porner, Austria to produce various grades of asphalt.

DCU (Delayed coker unit):


It is designed to process vacuum residue from the upstream vacuum distillation unit. The process, licensed by M/s Lummus Technology thermally cracks and upgrades heavy fractions into more valuable distillate products and premium grade coke.

PFCCU (Petrochemical fluidized catalytic cracking unit):


The PFCC unit processes unconverted oil from hydrocracker units, straight run low sulphur vacuum gas oil, hydro treated heavy Coker gas oil and converts into value added products such as propylene, LPG and gasoline. The process Technology is supplied by Technip Stone & Webster, USA. The unit has in built Polymer Grade Propylene recovery unit.

CHTU (Coker heavy gas oil hydro treating unit):


Coker heavy gas oil hydro treating unit processes Coker heavy gas oil generated by delayed Coker unit. Technology is supplied by UOP Unionfining process USA.

PP unit (Polypropylene unit):


Polypropylene, sold under the brand name MANGPOL, is manufactured with a technology licensed from M/s Lummus Novolen Technology, Germany

DHDT (Diesel hydro desulphurization unit):


DHDT Unit is designed to process straight run and cracked feed stock. The process Technology is supplied by M/S Axens, France It is capable of producing BS VI grade diesel with improved cetane number. It is also designed to process naphtha and kerosene as part of its feed. Kerosene and naphtha are also drawn as products.

SRU (Sulphur Recovery Unit):


MRPL has Seven SRU trains in block 1,2 &3. The first three trains have thermal Reactor followed by two Claus conventional Reactors and BSR/Selectox Reactors to treat the Tail gas. The other four trains consist of one thermal reactor followed by two Claus conventional Reactors. The Tail Gas Treating Unit are based on the TGTU technology developed by M/s ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED along with SINI, Italy.


Coastal Movement of petroleum at MRPL is handled through the New Mangalore Port trust. Pipelines running from Refinery to the Port transport crude and products. In addition, MRPL operates a Single Point Mooring system, named Mangala-1, located nearly 17 Kilometres off Mangalore Coast. Mangala-1 with a draft of 32M can handle fully laden Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC) carrying a cargo of 300,000T.

With a view to reduce transportation cost of evacuation, a cross country pipeline between Mangalore and Bangalore became a necessity. Accordingly, Petronet MHB Limited was formed to implement the project and operate this Cross-Country pipeline. ONGC holds a 23% equity holding in this pipeline. The pipeline, which is 363 Kilometres long originates from the refinery and delivers products to Devangonthi near Bangalore with an intermediate receipt station at Hassan and two intermediate pumping stations at Hassan and Neriya.

To know more about the Mangalore Bangalore pipeline, click here

Other support facilities:

  • Oil Jetty to receive Crude Oil and dispatch Petroleum products by ocean tankers.
  • Raw Water line, 43 kms long from river Netravathi.
  • Well-equipped laboratory.
  • Blast proof centralized Control Room.
  • DCS based Control Room for all Process Units and off sites.
  • 133 Storage Tanks including 7 Horton Spheres and 7 Bullet storage facility.
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